(April 2015 - september 2015)


Issue xiii // april 2015

April’s edition includes thoughts on Volume I, love’s changing shapes, Genghis Cohen, Common Core, Burger King promotional kids' meals, perfumed frauds, quota systems, jasmines and stars, and the planet’s sixth mass extinction.

Monkey's Uncle by Wayne F. Burke (Poetry)
Family, 2014 by William Miller (Poetry)
Archery by Robert Wexelblatt (Prose)
Five Propositions on Cinderella by Philip Conklin (Essay)
Letters From the Opt Out Movement by United Opt Out Michigan (Letter)
There Will Come a Day by Sumana Palle (Essay)
On Behalf of the Amphibians by Jennifer Rowe (Essay)
Zig Zag Twong, Bigfoot Bjornsen, & Mucho Maas by The Periphery (Graphic)

Numbers on the Periphery [04/2015]


issue xiv // may 2015

May’s edition includes thoughts on Operation Honeybee, the Keepers of the Earth, walking in the rain, 1937, bible boxes, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and the dialectic of the film industry.

On Another Rainy Day: For Liu Yu by Yuan Changming (Poetry)
Probably Forever by Becky Prosser (Poetry)
Mmm by Michele Oberholtzer (Prose)
Inside Corktown, America's Most Dangerous Neighborhood by Aaron Foley (Humor & Satire)
Tribeca 2015 by Philip Conklin (On the Arts)
Farmer's Field Notes: What is a GMO? by Evan Conklin (Essay)

Numbers on the Periphery [05/2015]


issue xv // june 2015

June’s edition includes thoughts on the great force of gravity, MP3 mixtape life, Roundup-resistant crops, piano proteges in the making, an evolution of gained rights, the Azeroth server, and techniques of personalization.

6 Digits by Cozine Andre Welch, Jr. (Poetry)
I Still Believe by Cozine Andre Welch, Jr. (Poetry)
Personal Madrigal by Harika Kottakota (Poetry)
The Atrocity of Sunsets: The Death of Childhood in Michigan by Chris Dankovich (Essay)
Sinister Obligations by Mark Jay (Essay)
Farmer's Field Notes: Eating and Growing GMOs by Evan Conklin (Esasy)
How I Met Jaime, Part 2 by K. Guillory (Graphics)

Numbers on the Periphery [06/2015]


issue xvi // july 2015

July’s edition includes thoughts on the Artful Dodger, a male feminist, a zombie-eyed doper, personality-heavy journalism, and the Indominus Rex.

The Girl-Child's Limerick by Lind Grant-Oyeye (Poetry)
Ruminations by Renoir Gaither (Poetry)
Gothic Story by Roger Stephenson (Prose)
Jurassic World and the Blockbuster Paradigm by Philip Conklin (On the Arts)
The Introduction of the Byline by Phil Christman (Essay)

Numbers on the Periphery [07/2015]


issue xvii // august 2015

August's edition includes thoughts on Mr. Radioman, homing pigeons, the devil’s lasso, hands up, and satirical documentary images.

Hurt by Darnell L. Jett (Poetry)
Oasis by Nels Hanson (Poetry)
Ma Cherie Amore by Wayne F. Burke (Poetry)
Stilts by Mark Jay (Prose)
Boris Mitić by Philip Conklin (Interview)

Numbers on the Periphery [08/2015]


issue xviii // september 2015

September's edition includes thoughts on Gregarious Rick, a lumbering humanoid, a nod to her youth, the greatest Tweet ever told, bad-tempered words, your lover's kiss, bumpin’ rides streaming rap music on 24s, and someone to watch over me.

The Building Code by Bryan Palmer (Poetry)
Where Were You? by Eryanna Taylor (Poetry)
Line Stretch by Grant Czuj (Poetry)
Loving Care #238 by Barbara Jay (Poetry)
If Not You, Who? by James Adrian (Poetry)
The Big Yard by J.S. Copeman (Poetry)
Snow White and the Deadly Dwarves by Bryan Palmer (Poetry)
Afterglow by Taz Darnall (Poetry)

Numbers on the Periphery [09/2015]